Merri Paddle - back in the swim of things.

1st September 2024
By Peter Ewer


The Friends’ sub-group dedicated to encouraging the return of the platypus to the Merri has a big program of working bees coming up in the next few months.

On Sunday 22nd September 2024, between 5pm and 6.20pm, we will be playing our part in the platy-project, a national citizen-science audit of platypus sightings. The platy-project is organised by the Australian Conservation Foundation, with the data provided for analysis to the University of New South Wales.

The Merri Paddle will participate in this important initiative by hosting an event at Dights Falls, Abbotsford, where people will hear about our work, and join a walk to try and spot the elusive platypus along the Merri and Birrarung. You can also help assess the area for platypus habitat, to give ecologists a clearer picture of where platypus are (or are not).

This event is accessible for all participants, but registrations are ESSENTIAL – register here: The area has a paved path for much of the event, but there are some gravel and off-path sections. For any concerns or specific requirements, please contact Julia Cirillo on 0493 591 724


Our ongoing research program

Over the next four months, we will be collecting data on platypus habitability along the 70 kilometre length of the Merri, revisiting the fourteen sites that were used in the pivotal study by Josh Griffiths of EnviroDNA in 2021. This work will include another round of DNA sampling to detect the presence of the animal, together with site assessments. Unfortunately safety issues mean site access is sometimes an issue, so this work is not open to the public – but we’ll be sure to keep you posted on results.

We are also assisting Deakin University in sampling for the presence of pesticides in the Creek. The results of this work will obviously be of significance for the health of the aquatic ecosystem as whole – more to come on this important topic!

Our research program is coordinated by Merri Creek Management Committee, and proudly sponsored by the Friends of Merri Creek, and the Rotary Clubs of Coburg, Moreland, Pascoe Vale and Preston. Many thanks to our enthusiastic Rotary members!


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