Friends of Merri Creek Bird Survey #1 in 2024 (continued)
Bird surveys will be held from 8.45-10.30am at two sites along Merri Creek as listed below.
Please don't attend if you are feeling unwell and have any cold or flu-like symptoms.
Beginners welcome. BYO binoculars if possible, but no dogs please, as they reduce the number and variety of birds to be seen. The contact for all Birdwatch events is Ann McGregor 0429 386 102.
Free leaflets on Merri birds (normally $3) are available for all participants.
Coburg Lake Reserve: Meet near the car park, Lake Grove Coburg - see Google map.
bababi marning: Meet near the St George Chaldean Catholic Centre (ex Istrian Club), Cooper St Campbellfield - see Google map.
Parks Victoria requires volunteers on Parks Vic-managed land to have a Working With Children Check.
Friends of Coburg Lake working bee ...